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Improving your E-commerce Business

What is E-commerce? 

Nowadays, people are looking to be their own bosses and be able to prepare a good future for themselves and their families, Where the Internet plays a big role in that motivation, and E-Commerce is sprouting more than the other fields on the internet. 

E-commerce[Electronic commerce]  is the use of platforms that ease the buying and selling of products & Services  online. E-commerce as we’ve seen through the past years, is not an industry that grew overnight, It had a long journey to be where it is today! 

Types of E-commerce

Even though the most popular examples of e-commerce is Online shopping[Amazon, Alibaba], but really ecommerce goes beyond that to  other online activities like: online auctions, online ticketing, payment gateways, etc. 

E-commerce is divided into 6 main types that are:

  1. B2B –[Business to Business].  
  2. B2C –[ Business to Customer] 
  3. B2A –[ Business to Administration] 
  4. C2C –[ Consumer to Consumer]
  5. C2A –[ Consumer to Administration]
  6. C2B –[ Consumer to Business]


Tips for Launching a Successful E-commerce Website


1. BUILDING A WEBSITE:  First of all, You will need to set up a  very effective, User friendly  and 100% responsive website to ensure that once a user arrives on your site – Will fully feel attracted to the view that welcomes him/her. Also you may need to choose a good  CMS whose features match easily what you’re looking for!
–[We recommend Woocommerce(mainly for US non-based) or Shopify(for US Based Businesses].

2. ADDING EFFECTIVE FEATURES: When setting up your site, make sure you add some basic and Unique features that will serve your business and it’s customers. Examples of some basic features may include: Add to Cart. Easy to use Check-Out, …

3. LAUNCHING A DIGITAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN: Same as any other type of Business, you’ll need to launch a marketing campaign to bring awareness to your store! The most effective marketing strategies that you may use to optimize your e-commerce include: Google ads,  Influencer Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Blogging, Email Marketing, …

4. WEB TRAFFIC ANALYSIS: Last But not least, you’ll need to Install Google Analytics, Tableau, or any other Web traffic analytics platform that will help you analyse, review and remodel your approaches to optimize your Business! 


When launching an e-commerce business, it is important to find and choose the right Web Development Team & Marketing Team that will be able to help you implement all the above stated strategies in a way that fits your business and therefore achieve your goals more easier!
So this being said, Our team has a very professional Web Development Team & Marketing Team that can easily help you launch your e-commerce website and start doing business As soon as possible!

–Don’t Just Take our word for it! Here is Our Recent realizations !

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